
19-20 March 2024Elite Hotel, Lund, Sweden

Roundtable Topics

Day two offers you a chance to dive deeper into a topic of your choice. Welcome to moderated discussions in both more general as well as specific topics on charging infrastructure and ERS, moderated by experts in each area. Update: Some of the topics have been updated, and you will be given a chance to re-enter your topic of choice at the conference. /The Evolution Road Team

  1. Stakeholders, incentives and policy making. Who are the winners and losers in a rapid transition to zero tailpipe emission road transport? What direct and indirect effects do current policy frameworks have and what should policymakers do to ensure all stakeholders have the correct incentives in place? What would be necessary to bring road transport GHG emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2035?

  2. Logistics - the new frontier of e-truck charging. Last mile, hub2hub, and short to medium range e-truck operations. How to overcome spatial and downtime challenges, access funding & understand regulatory frameworks. Future of electrification = collaboration or competition; ERS versus rail.

  3. Future of Cross-border ERS: How do we overcome the current and foreseeable limitations in long-range e-mobility? From vision to implementation. Cross-border ERS, remaining technical issues, locks to overcome, maturity, interoperability, standards, involved stakeholders, financing, payment systems and business models, infrastructure, vehicle, operation and energy costs, strategy to deploy cross-border ERS in the EU, decision makers and process, international collaboration and policy, end-users’ involvement. Three groups work in parallell: Technical challenges, Economical questions and business models, Strategy to deploy cross-border/EU wide ERS.

  4. Closed loop systems and electric operations - what is possible? Charging in closed loop areas, such as ports, airports, factories. 24/7 operations and specifically high uptime-demand scenarios. Total cost of operations, limitations with electrification, and new technologies.

  5. Cities & Public Transport. Stationary and ERS. Taxis, postal services, parking sites: urban transportation modes of the future, given extreme spatial limitations as a hurdle and very high traffic density as an opportunity for collective energy supply systems such as electric roads.

  6. ERS – Operations and business models. Safety (Electrical, EMC, traffic), discuss how to centrally operate an ERS and the actors involved, functionality as IoT platform, payment structures.

  7. ERS and an Electrified Car Fleet - Maintenance & Construction. Building new roads with an integrated ERS and retrofitting ERS on existing roads, what is the challenges and possibilities? Maintenance of ERS equipped roads; who, how and what are the don’ts? What are the predicted effects on road deterioration and life cycle costings by introducing ERS and the increase in BEV?



Karin Ebbinghaus
CEO, Elonroad

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David Cebon
Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Cambridge University

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Lina Nordin
Moderator. Head of Research, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

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Jan Pettersson
Advisor, Swedish Transport Agency

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Mats Alaküla
Professor, Industrial Electrical Engineering, LTH

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Maria Stenström
Maria Stenström, Senior Manager of Mobility and Behavioral Changes, The Swedish 2030-Secretariat

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Jakob Rogstadius
Senior Researcher, PhD Computer Science, Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE

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Wiebke Müller
Innovation Lifecycle Officer Innovation, Hub North – Copenhagen DK/EIT Urban Mobility

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Lars Godbolt
Advisor, The Norwegian EV Association

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Michael Bayer
Head of Business optimization, E.ON Energy Networks

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Giverny Cathrine Knezevic
Senior Research Associate and lawyer, Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM)

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Oliver Risse
Investment Partner, HHLA Next

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Jörgen Synning
Regional manager, Eways

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Per Löfberg
Moderator. Senior Project Manager, Elonroad

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